
Saturday, September 21, 2019

How to be a Web Developer in 2020?

Web Development is one of the most demanded job and the demand will increase at a sonic rate. As the users of internet are growing rapidly, there will be a huge demand of web developers in upcoming future. Creating websites, web applications, Web APIs, etc. are the common work that  a web developer does. A web developer should be very good at managing databases, programming backend, designing backend and distributing the made web apps.
To be a web developer, one must know how to design websites and make interactions with the backend. Many people get frustrated because of not knowing the proper path to become a successful developer. So I have structured the technologies that you should know to be a Successful developer.

Must Learn Technologies

Basics of different technologies are to be known by a successful developer in order to make the product more powerful. Some of the must-know technologies are given below:


You must know the basics of HTML. HTML is a markup language that is used to create and structure websites. You can learn HTML online very easily. After learning HTML, you can learn HTML5 as it is packed  with new and powerful features.


CSS is used to style a website. If you are planning to be a Web Developer then you must have depth knowledge of CSS. The most recent stable version of CSS is CSS V3 which could be learned to take full advantage of CSS.


It is a client side scripting language that can be used with the HTML document to make the document more interactive to the users. Various widgets like Buttons, Input boxes can be easily handled using JavaScript.

Front End Development

For designing the front end that the user will interact with, Developers would have to learn about following technologies:


It is one of the most used  JavaScript framework that shortens the JavaScript codes. It is very powerful library that provides developers with many plugins that can be used during development.


SASS is a CSS preprocessor. It is easy-to-learn technology and can be used for designing websites more easily than CSS.


There are  numerous JavaScript and CSS framework that makes a developer life more easier. Some of these framework include AngularJS,  LESS, Bootstrap, ReactJS, etc.

Back End Technologies

For creating the backend and managing the database, there are numerous languages and their related frameworks. Some of them are as below:


It is open source and one of the most widely used Language to develop backend. Websites like Facebook, WordPress, etc. are built using PHP. It is very easy to learn and various frameworks are already available to help you code backend with PHP. Laravel, CodeIgniter, WordPress, CakePHP , FuelPHP , etc. are some widely used frameworks of PHP.


It is a tool provided by Microsoft as a backend development suite. You can use C#, VBScript
, J#, JScript to make ASP.NET applications.


One of the most loved programming language is Python. Using Frameworks like Flask and Django, You can easily create any kinds of web applications with Python.


It is very commonly used language to develop web backend. So you can also learn Java and be familiar with it.

A Web developers also uses IDE's that fastens their development process. Some of the IDE's  include Dreamweaver, PyCharm, NetBeans, PhpStrom, Eclipse, etc. To be a developer, You must also think like a web developer. You should be able to make youself familiar with the new emerging technologies. You must be a fast learner as the tools and languages are growing day by day. You can learn about Version control Systems like Git, SVN, Bitbucket, etc.
Stay tuned to hear more from us. Comment if I missed out anything and Share if you loved reading this blog.


  1. Thanks for this blog man..

  2. How to be a Web Developer in 2020 is literally awesome. When will you post the next blog??
